What better than being full without eating too much?
If you like drinking soy milk and eating muesli, Just Go For it!
A Delicious Homemade Muesli |
My "everyday" breakfast:
- a glass of fresh juice
- 30 gr of organic muesli enriched in fruits or nuts
- Organic soy milk (enriched in Calcium)
For those accustomed to eat more things in the morning, I garantee that after a few days, you won't feel hunger before midday!
And let me tell you that I know a lot of
people who don't take the time to have breakfast. I'd like you to know
how much it's important to eat and drink after you wake-up.
Having breakfast will avoid you gaining
weight! And it decreases the risk of appearance of insulin resistance
(hormone which regulates the rate of sugar in the blood), first step
towards the diabetes.
Keep healthy...!